Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring Apocalypse with the SE-CT Game's Guild

This battle featured Xenos vs Imperium. Deployment was Hammer & Anvil, long board. The main objective was to secure the Eldar Webway portal by the end of the game. Secondary objective? KILL!

I played as the Orks and took my Stompa and Skullhamma battlefortress. My Allies were Tau, Eldar, and Chaos Marines. Horus was our Warlord.

The opponents were Marines and Guard, with Roboute Guiliman as their Warlord. And 10 or so Imperial Knights!

I could only make it for day 1 so the battle still rages on and it's still anyone's game.

Big thanks to Patrick Mac and the Southeast CT Gamer's Guild for hosting the event. Good folks, good food, good games! It was a BLAST!

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