Sunday, July 23, 2017

Gorkamorka game #5 - 'Two of Our Ladz iz Missin'!'

In our last installment of Gorkamorka...

We played 'Da Grudge' scenario, where if the attackers win, any defenders who go 'out of action' are automatically captured. Skrag's mob did in fact do a number on those pesky Bad Moonz and so we begin with...


The unfortunate captives!
MoonBad's most valuable Ork Boy, Larry David, and the battle-wounded driver/Spanner of the Yella Trukk, Fixit, are tied to a stake within Skrag's fort...

Meanwhile! Shoota-wielding, newly recruited Ork Boy, Nik, and chest-wounded, Kannon-totin' Boy, Blakkfinga, take up positions on the roof of Skrag's makeshift fort. Skrag and the rest of his mob are currently out in Da Skid, hunting for scrap. Let's hope to Gork they will show up in time for some krumpin'!

The lay of the land...

Da Mobz
MoonBad's Ladz rescue mob consists of just one 'Eavy Shoota Trukk, 'Da Wheelz', with scarred Spanner/driver, Farley, and Slave-gunner, Snaggit, with the Dakka! Dakka! skill. Boss Nob MoonBad is armed with a bodged Shoota and Choppa along with 'arder upgrades to his toughness(5) and initiative(4). Hipshootin' Ork Boy Dakkathug is armed with a bodged Shoota while other Ork Boy, Nugz, is armed with both a rapid-fire Shoota and a Six-shoota. And last but not least, one Grot named Snozz, armed with a Blunderbuss and the Dakka skill, Deadeye. 

Skrag's reserves consist of the Speargun-armed Dagga Trakk driven by Dag, a Spanner armed with a Six-shoota pistol and an 'arder BS of 4, as well as having the Getaway Driver skill. On the back of the trakk is Ork Boy, Zog, armed with a knife and an 'arder WS of 4, along with KOOL (Dakka skill) and Backseat Driver (Odd skill). They make quite the pair! 

In the other vehicle, 'Da Wizza Trukk' (Steering Jammed!), driven by Spanner, Lug, with 'ard Boss Nob Skrag armed with a Slugga and Choppa and boasting an impressive BS of 6 and two attacks! In the back we've got Headwounded and Frenzied Ork Boy, Razzagash, armed with a Six-shoota and a choppa. He's got stat upgrades to his WS(4) and wounds(2) as well as the WAAAAGH! Ferocity skill. Last mob member is Yoof-turned-Boy, Zog, armed with a Blunderbuss and the WAAAGH! skill. He's also got +1 buffs to his strength, toughness, and leadership.

Off in the distance, the rumble of a engine...

VRRRROOOOOMM!!! Turn one, Da Wheelz bursts onto the scene. Snaggit looses off some shots at the gate, penetrating, but only manages to weaken it.

MoonBad's turn two, Snaggit fires away with the 'eavy Shoota, penetrates the gate again, but it holds strong. MoonBad fires his bodged Shoota to find his sights were bodged! All ranges are halved! Dakkathug also finds that his Shoota's ammo is bodged, auto-failing any ammo checks.

Turn three, Farley hits the thrusters and guns it for the fort gate...

BOOM! Da Wheelz smash into the gate, ripping it wide open!

In the crash, Da Wheelz spin 'round, destroying the 'eavy shoota. Farley goes down, immobilizing the Trukk. MoonBad jumps out and into the fort to rescue his ladz. Snaggit hops out, heading around to the back. Nugz pops a shot up at the roof and flesh wounds Nik

Skrag's turn three, with no reserves in sight, Nik climbs down off the roof, making his way around the fort. Blakkfinga levels his Kannon at Snaggit and knocks him down off the hill, scoring a flesh wound.

Turn four, MoonBad emerges from the fort with his ladz in tow. He takes a shot at Blakkfinga, however, he runs out of ammo. 

Snozz downs Blakkfinga with his Blunderbuss but also runs out of ammo.

Nik makes his way around the back...

"Let's leg it, Boyz!!!"

Skragz turn four, here comes the cavalry! Daggatrakk enters from the far side...

Attempting to cut off their escape route, Skrag and Razzagash jump out and fire off a couple of shots at Larry DavidRazzagash runs out of ammo.

 Atop the fort, Blakkfinga bleeds out and goes out of action. The Daggatrakk closes in.

MoonBad's turn five, the escapees stop dead in their tracks and begin heading for the other table edge. Dakkathug takes Razzagash out of action with a shot from his shoota. Nugz runs out of ammo with his shoota and Farley goes out of action. Snaggit gets back on his feet. 

"Run for it!!!"

"Let's squash dem boyz!"

Skrag jumps back into Da Wizza and orders Lug to run over the escapees. Zog jumps off the trukk & into combat with Larry David, who takes him down and out of action. The Daggatrakk's Speargun runs out of ammo when it shoots at Snozz.

MoonBad turn 6, Nugz scores a pen on the Wizza as the former captives continue towards the board edge.

Skrag charges off his trukk into MoonBad and they fight to a draw. The Daggatrak lines up to squash the Ladz as Dag takes down Snozz with his Six-Shoota.

Nugz shoots Nik and takes him out of action. Snaggit and Dakkathug dodge out of the way of the charging Trakk. Larry David escapes off the table edge!


Bitter rivals Skrag & MoonBad continue to duke it out as Fixit escapes off the table edge. A successful rescue mission by MoonBad's Ladz!

The already chest-wounded, Blakkfinga, received a right arm wound as well as an 'arder +1WS.

Zog was blinded in one eye and also gained the Flying Tackle ability.

Razzagash and Nik fully recover from their injuries. Dag gains +1BS and Zag gains the Dakka skill, KOOL.

Farley gained +1LD due To Impressive scars and Snozz makes a full recovery.

MoonBad, Dakkathug, and Nugz gained +1WS. Nugz also gained +1S. Larry David
gained the cunnin' skill, Duck & Weave, and Snozz gained, Dakka Dakka!

 Post-game rosters

MoonBadz Ladz

MoonBad's vehicle roster

Skrag's Mob roster

Skrag's vehicle roster


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