Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Gorkamorka game #2 - 'One of our Ladz iz missin!' (pics/bat rep)

In our first battle, Skrag's boy Razzagash successfully boarded MoonBad's YellaTrukk, then proceeded to toss MB's boyz Dakkathug and Larry David off, before being ousted by MoonBad himself.
Razzagash ended up with an 'eadwound, making him stupid in the two following games, while Dakkathug ended up being captured by Skragz mob.
So here's game two, 'One of our Ladz is missin!' - MoonBad attempts to rescue da captured Dakkathug.
Skragz kannon-wielding boy Blakkfinga was tasked with watching the fort topside while Dakkathug was being held inside below. The rest of the mobsters would be coming in from reserves.
As soon as the game began, Blakkfinga was hit by the Wheelz' Slaver, Snaggit, manning da Wheelz' 'eavy shoota. Blakkfinga went down and failed to get up for the rest of the game, and later ending up with a chest wound. 
Coming in from the far side, Skragz Mob did the best they could to reach the intruders in time as Moonbadz' Yellatrukk crashes into the gate, immobilizing itself in the process (and later suffering a steering jam on the permanent damage table). Larry David runs in and 'saves' the captured Dakkathug, then they both leg it to the awaiting Wheelz. 
Luckily, the DagTrakk enters the board from opposite the Wizztrukk mob, and attempts to run over both of the footers while on their way to the getaway vehicle, however both of them successfully dodge out of the way and into the awaiting trukk. Moonbadz Ladz speed off into the sunset, loaded with their lost warrior and heaps of scrap from Skragz makeshift fort.
Next up... Da Chase!

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