Thursday, April 28, 2016

Gorkamorka game #3 - 'Da Chase' (battle pics)

In hot pursuit! Last scenario, Skragz Parks n Wreck mob was left in the dust as MoonBadz Ladz successfully rescued their captured Ork boy from within the makeshift fort. 

This battle is 'Da Chase', complete with rolling road! Each of MoonBadz trukks started with 3 scrap tokens loaded on board with the attacking mobs deployed 18 inches behind them.

Highlight of the game was when Skrag's yoof, Zog, successfully shot and downed the Yellatrukk's driver, Fixit, causing the vehicle to swerve for the next few turns. None of the crew could manage to regain control until after Fixit went out of action (receiving an 'old battle wound') and Moonbad and his ladz successfully drove the vehicle off the board.

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